
Self Care

Stressed Woman
Self Care, Wellbeing

How Hidden Stress Affects Your Mental Health

Have you ever heard the phrase; what have you got to be stressed about? Once you heard that, did you stop to realise that you’re incredibly lucky and ungrateful for the great life you currently lead? It can sometimes feel petty to be overwhelmed by minor life occurrences and therefore we often ignore the need to talk about it, but…

Self Care, Slow Living, Wellbeing

Learning How To Pause

The reason this blog took a wellbeing turn over the last few years is because I became so passionate about self-care and mindset, but I’m also passionate about having it all; the simple, slow lifestyle, but also an exciting life, great career and so on. That’s where the ‘slow living in the fast lane’ tagline came from. I am a…

person sitting on bench under tree
Discussions, Self Care, Wellbeing

Struggling With the Low in Furlough

Hands up if anyone else is on furlough and has had a few low days? Everyone, right? What about feeling guilty because things could be so much worse? OR like you’re wasting the time off work that you always wish you had to get on with other projects? You too? While things may be starting to get back to normal,…

cheerful young woman using smartphone during video call
Self Care, Wellbeing

8 Ways to Stay Connected While Social Distancing

One of the most important aspects of being human is our connection to others. It’s something that over the years I think has been diminished by various values being lost, technology advancements and so on. Being in lockdown and social distancing has reminded a lot of people of how much we took for granted when it comes to human connection….

close up of a woman painting her nails
Self Care, Wellbeing

21 Simple Indoor Activities for Lockdown Self-Care

Some people are missing getting their usual self care treats. Whether its being pampered, feeling motivated, or being able to relax, we’re all missing things that make us feel good outside of the home. Self-care is all about feeling our best and being able to slow down to appreciate the small things, so I’ve compiled a list of simple lockdown…