

brown leafed tree selective focus photography

How to Embrace Autumn as a Summer Lover

I love that we get to experience all seasons in the UK, despite my complaining about being cold and the fact that I have often talked about how much I hate Autumn. I also love a theme, which new seasons allow a change in. In an effort to stop hating 25% of the year, I have been learning to embrace…


The Barbie Controversy – is the Character a Bad Role Model?

Barbie, as a cultural icon, has been a subject of debate regarding her influence as a role model for girls for decades, but with the new film out now, the debate has resurrected on popular platforms. While some argue that Barbie promotes unrealistic beauty standards and materialistic values, others believe that she can serve as a positive role model for…

Hustle Culture and how to find the balance
Discussions, Mindset, Wellbeing

Is Hustle Culture Toxic and Should We Avoid It?

The idea of becoming an entrepreneur excites many people – working the hours you want to, doing something you’re truly passionate about, not having to deal with anyone being your boss, and having control on how the business works. Entrepreneurship is encouraged now more than it ever was, with hustle culture being applauded across all friendship groups and on social…


Are Adults Expecting Participation Trophies?

As children, on Sport’s Day at school, we would all be given an ice lolly and a well done for joining in the activities. There were winners, and there were losers. While I didn’t win many awards on the field, I did pretty well with writing competitions and so on. It all felt pretty balanced. Things have changed since then,…

photo of woman leaning on wooden table while looking upset

Being Yourself Online is Tougher Than it Seems

At the beginning of lockdown and being furloughed, I felt like I finally had an opportunity to focus and spend time on my hobbies, especially blogging. However, something was stunting me; I was unable to publish my ideas, articles, and images, and it wasn’t due to lack of time like I had originally thought. Some of the things I’d like…

person sitting on bench under tree
Discussions, Self Care, Wellbeing

Struggling With the Low in Furlough

Hands up if anyone else is on furlough and has had a few low days? Everyone, right? What about feeling guilty because things could be so much worse? OR like you’re wasting the time off work that you always wish you had to get on with other projects? You too? While things may be starting to get back to normal,…


Conspiracy Theories or Alternative Views?

Some alternative views are accepted as valid. Atheists can accept religion. Manifestation and the law of attraction is a valid view on life even when some don’t believe it. To the non-believer, there is no proof of these things being real and while people might look down on them, they don’t often question or patronise those practising it. However, when…