
Fashion & Beauty

Fashion & Beauty, Lifestyle

Natural Skincare Review: So Sona Body Butter

Over the course of the last few years, I have stopped feeling comfortable using too many chemicals on my skin, and while I am not going to overhaul everything at once and throw out all of my products, I have been switching my favourites to natural alternatives when I run out. Body butter used to be one of those things…

content multiracial female friends in cosmetic masks raising hands
Fashion & Beauty, Lifestyle

15 Simple Tips for Great Skin

Skin is the largest organ the body has, yet is often neglected or overlooked. While some may have a complicated 14-step skincare routine before bed each night, some people splash a bit of water and are done with it. The thought of a full skincare routine can be daunting for some, but there are some quick and easy tricks for…

woman with pink manicure
Fashion & Beauty, Lifestyle

Getting Your Nails Done for the First Time?

As people start to use salon services again, I thought I’d share my experience as a first timer getting my nails done in December. It’s a little unexpected, considering the things I talk about online and the nonsense chat I have offline, but I am the least girly person I know. My sister, definitely more into the whole makeup and…

woman carrying backpack standing on asphalt road during golden hour
Fashion & Beauty, Lifestyle

Lockdown Life & Style During Furlough

When I was put on furlough at the end of March, I was glad that I was being looked out for, and thought in that initial few weeks I’d catch up on some work, do some more writing, and generally live a productive lockdown life. Turns out the past 3 months have been about 50% productive, with the rest on…